Intensive Case Management – Recovery Coordination and Substance Abuse

Our Recovery Coordination Program & Intensive Case Management Programs provide intensive, client centered, trauma informed, and harm-reduction based outpatient services for individuals experiencing Severe and Persistent Mental Illness, Co-occurring Substance Use Disorders, and other behavioral health conditions. 

Clients are assessed to determine the appropriate level of care and are connected to the right treatment provider to fit their unique needs on their road to recovery and sobriety

Harm Reduction Saves Lives.

Freedom from Pain and Maladaptive Coping is Possible.

Healing Is Change. Change is Possible!

Hope, Health, and Happiness, through a Recovery Orientated Approach to Therapy.

Our philosophy of treatment involves a strong foundational implementation of harm reduction. Harm reduction is simply an approach that reduces the harms associated with substance misuse as well as any harms to the community on all levels. Harm reduction focuses on how to improve positive health outcomes across numerous psycho-social life domains. This is accomplished by providing education on the safest and most sanitary way to use drugs, if someone chooses to continue using, as well as providing information and education about how to reduce the harms to self and others through learning and utilizing different coping skills.

Recovery Coordinators can help individuals in the following areas:

  • Treatment planning and care coordination
  • Housing / tenancy support and Advocacy.
  • Linkage to Medicaid and Social Security Benefits, and enrollment.
  • Wellness support, skills building, self-management tools, motivation and encouragement when needed
  • Advocacy, and systems navigation.
  • Accompaniment to appointments, i.e. court, medical, rehab, etc.
  • Budget support, and linkage to community resources that support independent living.
  • Employment support and linkage to community resources that operate in this capacity.

If you are an individual who could utilize assistance from the ICM program, please fill out the application for services and
email, fax, or turn in a hard copy.